Every Frickin' Joke
Her Life Matters
- Category: And that's when the fight started...
- Hits: 1749
It's Gonna Be One or the Other
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 1504
An old couple's sitting in the living room. The wife turns to her husband and says, "Let's go upstairs and fuck." He looks back and tells her, "I don't know if I can do both."
What's Your Number?
- Category: Dick Jokes
- Hits: 1689
I just bought the latest sleep-number smart bed. It detects when you're screwing your wife, locks the front door and turns on the stereo so your neighbors can't hear you. My number is 69.
You Don't Have To Be An Epidemiologist
- Category: Just Plain Funny
- Hits: 1710
Question: Which is more vicious... Killer Bees or Asian Murder Hornets?
Answer: My ex-wife.
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